Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

As I scrolled thru my old photos, it only made me realised one thing. No matter how much we say that its a thing of the past, or how they say time heals all wounds... it's all fake, yes the pain lessens, but it never really dissappears. We are humans after all. Each and every photo represented a single time and phase of my life, ups and downs. The wave of memories hit me again and again...

Sometimes I wonder if I can really take what I dish out to my friends, advice and all. Sometimes I wonder if it's all a facade that I'm putting up with. I guess you can never really give advice to yourself, it only works on others, cos when you try to apply it to your own scenario, it doesn't really make sense, does it?

I've been handling too much at work, and I feel I'm gonna burn out sooner than I think. The devil in me wants to get out, just that I've been trying very hard to keep it suppressed. Not really sure how long I can hold out. It's getting tiring, gettting weary. The Zz monster hasn't been really paying me visits either, and food taste bland after a while. Depression, nah, I dun think so... Just a phase I have to go thru...

The only thing thats keeping me going is... LOL... hmmm...

To all of you in the past & present, those that held a place in my heart, Thank You, for all the memories, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, cos without them, i would not be who I am today.

Smoking @ 12:25 AM

Puffs Taken

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