As the date to my departure approaches, the dreadness within me begins to increase. I began to feel the nauseating feeling piling up. I am going to miss this place, I'm going to miss my new found friends. I had only just passed my initiation process, I had fallen in love with Home... yet again. And then reality crept back, I have to leave, soon.
As much as I look forward to travelling, I'm apprehensive to the fact of getting used to living in a new city, new offices, new surroundings, new people, new colleagues. The feeling of unfamiliarity and uncertainty is unsettling. I don't want to leave, never, ever...
Perhaps it's fated, perhaps it's a test, but for once, I want to say no. No more changes, no more tests, and nothing which can upset me... I keep telling myself, over time, it will get better, it will be better, it can only get better...
The familiar faces, the familiar places, reveling in convenience, enjoying the comfort,
being at home...